1)对于那些准备乐观地破除重重障碍,愿意继续探寻新方法的人来说,有着众多的全球商业机会。 Opportunities in global business are around for those who are prepared to confront myriad obstacles with optimism and a willingness to continue learning new ways. 2.我们已经进入了海外业务发展的关键性阶段,即正确选择进入国外市场的方式。We have come to a critical stage in our overseas business development. That is, choosing the right option for overseas market entry. 一旦你的前期工作确保了进入国际市场的准确时间,下一步的工作就是选择适当的市场进入策略, 将产品或服务输送给你的国外客户。 Once your legwork has confirmed that the timing to enter the international market is all set, the next step is to choose the appropriate market entry strategy to deliver your goods or services to your foreign customers. 4. 我们的市场调研小组还没有找到符合我们条件并且能够优势互补的合适伙伴。 Our market research team still has not found a suitable partner that meets our conditions and complements our strengths and weakness. 5.目前, 我们还不能考虑合资这种选择,因为合资耗时、资源要求高,并且要不断仔细监督一些如人事、财务、基本经营活动等关键方面。但是,合资可能是开发我公司产品市场最终的步骤。 Presently, we are not in the position to consider joint ventures, because joint ventures are time-consuming and resource-demanding, and will involve continuous and careful monitoring of critical areas such as personnel, finance and basic operations, but this option may be the final step in developing markets for our company’s product. 6.与其他方式比较,出口被认为是一种国际市场运作的稳定和持久的形式。 Compared with other methods, exporting is considered to be a sound and permanent form of operating in the international market. 7.特许经营是许可证制快速发展的一种方式,通过这种方式特许权一方提供系列产品、系统及管理服务的标准,而受特许权的一方提供市场、资金和管理人员。 Franchising is a rapidly growing form of licensing in which the franchisor provides a standard package of products, systems, and management services, and the franchisee provides market knowledge, capital, and personnel involvement in management. 8.由于有合伙人入股,合资企业的政治、经济风险较小,如果要进入有法律、文化障碍的市场,合资比收购现有的企业所承担的风险要小。 Besides serving as a means of lessening political and economic risks by the amount of the partner’s contribution to the venture, JVs provide a less-risky way to enter markets that pose legal and cultural barriers than would be the case in an acquisition of an existing company 9.通过营销活动的良好协调和整合进行跨国经验交流和专门技术的交换,这也被称为是全球化带来的好处。Transfer of experience and know-how across countries through improved coordination and integration of marketing activities is also cited as a benefit of globalization. 10. 品牌或企业标识的全球认知有利于加速新产品的引进和增强广告的效率和效果。Global recognition of brand names and/or corporate logos accelerates new product introductions and increases the efficiency and effectiveness of advertising. 相关资料 |