Translate the following passages into Chinese. Passage 1 The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day are by far the biggest shopping period of the year in the US. This year, even though there are many grounds for economic worry, Americans are buying like crazy. Some economists think they are crazy; others are thankful that they are keeping the US economy from slipping into second recession. The slogen of the day is "Shop till you drop!" Environmentalists looking on this orgy of consumption can only be appalled. 【参考译文】 从感恩节到圣诞节之间的几周,是美国人一年中购物的最高潮。今年,尽管有很多依据令经济堪忧,可现在美国人买东西就像疯了似的。有些经济学家认为他们真是疯了,但也有人对此心存感谢,认为美国人疯狂购物可以使美国经济不再滑入到第二次萧条中。购物期间的口号是“买、买、买,一直买到累趴下!”而环保主义者看到这样无度的消费也只能是感到惊骇了。 相关资料 |