2022-11-27前置词前置词用于联接句中的两个词,或者用以联接两个句子,前置词本身不发生变化。当前置词di, a, da, in, su 与定冠词一起使用时,必面与该定冠词...
2022-09-24A前置词A 可用以表达:目的地Domenica vado a Roma地点Maria è a casaAbito a Perugia, in via dei Filosofi距离 Abito a tre chilometri da Roma目标 Mi dedico al lavoro时间 Le lezioni fin...
2022-10-31DA前置词DA可用以表达:目的地* Non posso venire da te (a casa tua)Vado da Antonia (a casa sua)è andata da lui (a casa sua)Andiamo dal medico (allo studio del medico)地点* Mi trovo da tuo...
2022-10-09IN前置词IN 所表达的基本概念是位于内部或者嵌入。它用以说明:在一个地点的状态 In Toscana c’è una campagna bellissimaMolti italiani sono emigrati in AmericaDevo entr...
2022-09-24CON前置词 CON 表达的基本概念是联合和附加的关系,它用以说明:陪伴/联合 Vado in vacanza con Cristina工具 Arriva con il treno delle 7,30Vengo con la macchina di Lorella...
2022-10-31I am eating, you are drinking, the soprano is singing. In Italian, the gerund (il gerundio) is equivalent to the “-ing“ verb form in English. To form the simple gerund in Italian, add -ando to the...
2023-03-20We grow up hearing negative commands: Don’t bother your brother! Don’t scream! Don’t forget to do your homework! The negative tu command forms of all verbs are formed by the infinitive of the ve...
2022-08-28Need to tell your teacher, supervisor, or the Italian prime minister to do something? Use the subjunctive form of the verb to form the formal commands. The table below contains some examples of formal...
2022-09-07Romeo and Juliet meet, hug, kiss, and fall in love. They comfort each other, admire each other, and get married—but not without some help from reciprocal reflexive verbs! These verbs express a recip...
2022-11-04In Italian, to express an action that began in the past and is still going on in the present, use the verb in the present tense + da + length of time. This construction does not exist in English, wher...