2022-09-28formaggio s.m. 奶酪 formare v.tr. 形成,组成 fortunatamente avv. 幸运地 fortunato agg. 幸运的 forza s.f. 力量 fotocopia s.f. 复印件 fotografia s.f. 相片 fragola s.f. 草莓 fran...
2023-01-28filo s.m. 线 finalmente abb. 终于 finalmente avv. 终于 finché cong. 直到...时 finora avv. 至今 fiorire v。intr. 繁荣,发达 firma s.f. 签名,签署 firmare v.tr. 签字 fisico ag...
2022-09-02’asiago 硬的,芬芳的干酪 Bel Paese 软的, 淡味的干酪 il burro 黄油 il caciocavallo 来自意大利南部浓厚的, 淡味的牛奶干酪 il carnia 软的,黄色干酪带刺鼻味道 ...
2019-01-22Numeri,misure,pesi 数目和度量衡 0 zero 零 1 uno 一 2 due (du er) 二 3 tre (d le) 三 4 quattro (gua d luo) 四 5 cinque (jin gue ) 五 6 sei (sei) 六 7 sette (sei dei) 七 8 otto (o do) ...
2022-10-26Lesson 1 This Week’s New Words:ciao - hello, goodbye (familiar)salve - helloaddio - goodbyebene - wellegli - he (literary)lui - he (common speech), himella - she (literary)lei - she (common speech),...
2022-10-260 zero1 uno2 due3 tre4 quattro5 cinque6 sei7 sette8 otto9 nove10 dieciPronunciation...
2022-12-05The Italian alphabet is fairly similar to our own (English, or depending on where you’re from, American). The letters K,J,W,X,Y occur only in foreign origin words. Each lesson will explain a few mor...
2023-04-07a, e, i, o, uThe Italian vowels have only one sound, regardless of what letters they precede or follow, or accent marks on the vowel, with the (minor) exception of e and o.aThe a is always pronounced ...
2022-10-09iThe Italian i is the same as the English long e or ee as in see.oThe o is always pronounced as the o in the word cold or dog. Here too actually there are two sounds of o :an OPEN one, indicated with ...
2022-10-29a buon mercato 便宜的 a meno che 除非 abbigliamento s.m. 服装 abbracciare v.tr. 拥抱 abitante s.m./s.f. 居民 abito s.m. 服装,衣服 abituarsi v.rifl. 习惯 abitudine s.f. 习惯 accade...