2022-10-09A note on accents : dictionaries indicate the tonic accent, i.e. put an accent on the vowel in the stressed syllable in the word (this is in the vast majority of cases the last but one, so called plai...
2022-09-26The Italian alphabet is fairly similar to our own (English, or depending on where you’re from, American). The letters K,J,W,X,Y occur only in foreign origin words. Each lesson will explain a few mor...
2019-01-22io - INumbers 1-100 zero1 uno2 due3 tre4 quattro5 cinque6 sei7 sette8 otto9 nove10 dieciPronunciation...
2022-09-26This Week’s New Words:ciao - hello, goodbye (familiar)salve - helloaddio - goodbyebene - wellegli - he (literary)lui - he (common speech), himella - she (literary)lei - she (common speech), heresso ...
2022-08-25CapitalizationMany words that are capitalized in English are not capitalized in Italian. These include: the days of the week, the months of the year, proper adjectives, a few proper nouns, and titles ...
2022-09-26Punctuation Marks / Segni d’Interpunzione,la virgola.il punto;il punto e virgola:due punti...i puntini di sospensione!il punto esclamativo?il punto interrogativo–il trattino—la lineetta«&r...
2022-09-26Beyond 100Do you remember those good old days before the euro’s arrival in Italy when you would pay a few thousand lire for admission to a museum or a cappuccino and biscotti? Tourists needed more t...
2022-09-26You might find cardinal (counting) numbers the most useful to know—you will need them to express time, record dates, do math, interpret recipe amounts, and, of course, count. In Italian, cardinal nu...
2022-09-26work -------lavorarevisit -------visitaresmoke -------fumarelike -------piacerelove -------amarepay -------pagarehear -------udirethink -------pensareAdjectives(形容词)beautiful--bellopretty-----be...
2022-09-26tourist -------turistacity -------cittàmoney -------monetastore -------provistarestaurant -----ristorantefamily -------famigliamother -------madrefather -------padresister -------sorellabrother -----...