2022-10-28In Italian, the pronoun ne can mean “about,“ “any,“ “some,“ “of it,“ “of them,“ from it,“ from them,“ or “from there.“ It can also replace a prepositional phrase beginning ...
2022-10-29There are several words in Italian that have two plural forms—a masculine and a feminine. Many of these are related to parts of the body and have diverse meanings.IRREGULAR PLURALSSINGULARMASCULINE ...
2022-10-26Part I: Italian GrammarSelect the best answer.1. I miei nonni mi ___________ dei racconti quando ero piccola.A. leggereB. ha lettoC. leggevaD. leggevano2. Quando eravamo a Roma, __________________ a v...
2023-02-06di指出后面的词是前面的所属,或进行某一性质的说明和限定la chiave di casa家的钥匙la data di nascita出生日期a指出方向vado a venezia我去威尼斯da指来源vado da ...
2023-01-14’amare’ is the model of the regular verbs that end in ’-are’.infinito:gerundio:participio presente:participio passato: amareamandoamanteamatoindicativopresente imperfetto passato remoto futuro...
2022-10-30A前置词A 可用以表达:目的地Domenica vado a Roma地点Maria è a casaAbito a Perugia, in via dei Filosofi距离 Abito a tre chilometri da Roma目标 Mi dedico al lavoro时间 Le lezioni fin...
2022-09-11IN前置词IN 所表达的基本概念是位于内部或者嵌入。它用以说明:在一个地点的状态 In Toscana c’è una campagna bellissimaMolti italiani sono emigrati in AmericaDevo entr...
2022-12-04前置词与动词的搭配用法在意大利语中有一些动词需要与特定的前置词搭配使用:动词 + A + 不定式Abituare aAbituarsi aIniziare aCominciare aRiuscire aAffrettarsi aCont...
2022-10-30To complete the fourth of subjunctive-tense verb forms, there’s the congiuntivo trapassato (referred to as the past perfect subjunctive in English), which is a compound tense. Form this tense with t...
2023-01-23The present conditional tense (condizionale presente) is equivalent to the English constructions of “would“ + verb (for example: I would never forget). Forming conditionals is easy: just take any ...