2023-08-28意大利语的一些发音问题Pronunciation ExamplesVOWELSa-a as in father [a] abito (abito)e-ay as in pay but without the glide [e] eguale (egwale)i-ee as in meet [i] or before a vowel, like y in ...
2023-03-06省略符号CapitalizationMany words that are capitalized in English are not capitalized in Italian. These include: the days of the week, the months of the year, proper adjectives, a few proper nouns,...
2022-09-26意大利语的一些发音问题Pronunciation ExamplesVOWELSa-a as in father [a] abito (abito)e-ay as in pay but without the glide [e] eguale (egwale)i-ee as in meet [i] or before a vowel, like y in ...
2022-10-26意大利语的一些发音问题Pronunciation ExamplesVOWELSa-a as in father [a] abito (abito)e-ay as in pay but without the glide [e] eguale (egwale)i-ee as in meet [i] or before a vowel, like y in ...
2022-10-22划分音节Italian words are divided into syllables as follows:A single consonant goes with the following vowel.Italian Englishca–sa housepo–si–ti–vo positiveDouble consonants are divided.Ita...
2022-09-28La giornata di YangM: Buona sera,Yang.晚上好,杨。Y: Buona sera,Mario.晚上好,马里奥。M: Di solito a che ora ti alzi?你平常几点起床?F: Mi alzo alle sette e alle otto f...
2022-10-26Nel mondo di lingua spagnola le feste natalizie sono celebrate anch’esse con il cibo. In Spagna, il pasto di Nat non viene mai consumato prima di mezzanotte. La ...
2022-10-31来 venireVengo veniamoVieni veniteViene vengono说 direDico diciamoDici diteDice dicono登上,上升 salireSalgo saliamoSali saliteSale salgono出去 uscireEsco usciamoEsci usciteEsce escono能够 ...
2022-08-28划分音节Italian words are divided into syllables as follows:A single consonant goes with the following vowel.Italian Englishca–sa housepo–si–ti–vo positiveDouble consonants are divided.Ita...
2023-01-27意大利语的一些发音问题Pronunciation ExamplesVOWELSa-a as in father [a] abito (abito)e-ay as in pay but without the glide [e] eguale (egwale)i-ee as in meet [i] or before a vowel, like y in ...