意大利语语法一点通 1
2022-11-101. Il bello dei tatuaggi è che è una cosa tua, ti resta per sempre . Un codice che sai solo te .纹身的好处是它会永远的只属于你一个人,一个只有你本人才知道的密码。句...
2022-11-02动词avere的变位这里首先要讲的一点是动词变位。动词变位是意大利语里非常重要的一个概念。是意大利语法的三大基础之一(另外两个 分别是时态和...
2023-03-02副动词副动词用以说明主句谓语动词的行为方式。Guardando dalla finestra vedo il tuo giardino副动词有两个时态:现在时和过去时:cantando (现在时)avendo cantato...
2022-12-04What about the most delicious pasta? The ultimate gelato? The absolute superlative expresses the concepts of very, extremely, or most. In Italian, superlatives are formed by adding the suffi...
2023-02-06Not in a very agreeable mood today? There are a number of negative expressions to counteract all those smiley, happy people. Some very common negative expressions include the following:non cambi...
2022-10-27虚拟式在从句中的主要用法:·主句谓语动词表达疑问、恐惧、希望、不确定性、可能性、希望、意愿时使用下述动词: sperare, temere, desiderare, preferire, v...
2022-09-06不规则动词某些动词并不服从正常的变位规则,这些动词被称为不规则动词。这些动词的不规则性可体现在以下几个方面:动词的词根and - are vad-o (直陈...
意语语法辅导素材:使动动词 FARE
2022-09-02使动动词: FARE动词fare后跟动词不定式用以表达不是由句子语法上的主语发出的行为:Faccio riparare l’auto(由别人来修我的车)在这种情况下动词fare后面总...
意语语法辅导素材:C’è and Com’è
2022-10-09C’è (from ci è) and ci sono correspond to the English there is and there are. They state the existence or presence of something or someone.C’è tempo; non c’è fretta. (There’s time; there i...
2022-10-31The Italian indefinite article (l’articolo indeterminativo) corresponds to English a/an and is used with singular nouns. It also corresponds to the number one.INDEFINITE ARTICLESMASCHILE FEMMINILEun...