2022-12-04In a reflexive sentence the action of the verb reverts to the subject, as in the following examples:Iwashmyself.Theyenjoythemselves. In reflexive sentences, Italian verbs, like English verbs, are conj...
2019-01-22A direct object is the direct recipient of the action of a verb.I invite the boys.Whom do I invite? The boys.He reads the book.What does he read? The book.The nouns boys and books are direct objects. ...
2022-10-30Preposizioni Semplicidi (d’)of, fromaat, to, indafrom, byininconwithsuonperfortra, frabetweenExamples:ViveaRoma.(She livesinRome.)L’aereo arrivadaLondra.(The airplane arrivesfromLondon.)AbitainCal...
2022-09-28In questions beginning with an interrogative word, the subject is usually placed at the end of the sentence.Quando guardala TV Michele?(When does Michael watch TV?)Prepositions such asa, di, con,andpe...
2022-10-30uscire (to exit)escoEsca!Escano!venire (to come)vengoVenga!Vengano!Finally, some verbs have irregular formal command forms that are not based on any present-indicative forms, and which you will have t...
2022-10-30suonare (to play a musical instrument)suonoSuoni!Suonino!tradurre (to translate)traducoTraduca!Traducano!trarre (to draw, to pull)traggoTragga!Traggano!udire (to listen)odoOda!Odano!...
2022-10-30rimanere (to stay, to remain)rimangoRimanga!Rimangano!salire (to climb)salgoSalga!Salgano!scegliere (to choose, to pick)scelgoScelga!Scelgano!sedere (to sit down)siedoSieda!Siedano!...
2022-10-30cogliere (to pick, to pluck)colgoColga!Colgano!dire (to say, to tell)dicoDica!Dicano!fare (to make)faccioFaccia!Facciano!porre (to place, to put down)pongoPonga!Pongano!...
2022-09-25Some of the verbs have irregular stem changes in the io form. Sometimes, this form is used to construct the imperatives of Lei and Loro.FORMAL COMMANDS: VERBS WITH STEM CHANGESINFINITIVEPRESENT-INDICA...
2022-09-28Need to tell your teacher, supervisor, or the Italian prime minister to do something? Use the subjunctive form of the verb to form the formal commands. The table below contains some examples of formal...