
  • avere 翻译“有”,类似于用于里面的have,可以和动词一起构成类似于完成事态Infinit avere Participio presente: avente Gerundi avendo Participio passat avutoavere avutoavendo a...

  • 常用的简单动词变位表:essere----翻译“是”Infinit essere Participio presente: essente Gerundi essendo Participio passat statoessere statoessendo statoessente statoIndicativo Congiuntiv...

  • 大多数阳性词是以——O 结尾,比如名词 libro —— 书加上形容词, 有意思的书 libro interessante大多数阴性词是以——A结尾,比如名词 scuola —— 学校加...

  • IN前置词IN 所表达的基本概念是位于内部或者嵌入。它用以说明:在一个地点的状态 In Toscana c’è una campagna bellissimaMolti italiani sono emigrati in AmericaDevo entr...

  • Compound tenses such as the passato prossimo are formed with the present indicative of the auxiliary verb avere or essere and the past participle (participio passato). The past participle of regular v...

  • CON前置词 CON 表达的基本概念是联合和附加的关系,它用以说明:陪伴/联合 Vado in vacanza con Cristina工具 Arriva con il treno delle 7,30Vengo con la macchina di Lorella...

  • 条件式有2种语态和时态,动词都有6种变化,即第一人称,第二人称和第三人称的单数和复数。在意大利语中,要根据句中所表达的人或事物是存在的状...

  • Your grade school English teacher told you repeatedly that you couldn’t use more than one negative word in the same sentence. In Italian, though, the double negative is the acceptable format, and ev...

  • Not in a very agreeable mood today? There are a number of negative expressions to counteract all those smiley, happy people. Some very common negative expressions include the following:non cambiare un...

  • An adverb (avverbio) is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. In English, adverbs are often formed by adding the suffix -ly to adjectives: slowly, softly, surely. Adverbs often...

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