
  • 常用的简单动词变位表:essere----翻译“是” Infinit essere Participio presente: essente Gerundi essendo Participio passat stato essere statoessendo statoessente stato IndicativoCongiunt...

  • 虚拟式的时态当从句的动作与主句谓语同时进行时使用现在时。Credo che sia una buona idea当主句的为谓语为过去时时,从句为了与其在时间上保持一致需要...

  • 虚拟式在从句中的主要用法:·主句谓语动词表达疑问、恐惧、希望、不确定性、可能性、希望、意愿时使用下述动词: sperare, temere, desiderare, preferire, v...

  • 虚拟式虚拟式用以表达说话人的主观愿望,而由动词虚拟式构成的句子则典型的宾语从句。这类从句的特点是附属于一个表达主观、疑问、不确定性、...

  • 副动词副动词用以说明主句谓语动词的行为方式。Guardando dalla finestra vedo il tuo giardino副动词有两个时态:现在时和过去时:cantando (现在时)avendo cantato (...

  • Mom and dad, your brothers and sisters, grandpa and your Aunt Millie. They’re all special people, and so there’s a rule just for them. In the plural form, the Italian definite article will appear ...

  • When forming the plural of Italian nouns, the vowel endings change to indicate a change in number. For regular masculine nouns that end in -o, the ending changes to -i in the plural.The table below in...

  • You’ve heard it since grade school: What’s a noun? A person, place, or thing. Nouns (i nome) are one of the first things that people learn, whether it’s their native or second language. Bicchier...

  • Italian uses present tense + da + time expressions to indicate an action that began in the past and is still going on in the present. English, by contrast, uses the present perfect tense (I have spoke...

  • C’è (from ci è) and ci sono correspond to the English there is and there are. They state the existence or presence of something or someone.C’è tempo; non c’è fretta. (There’s time; there i...

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