
  • DA前置词DA可用以表达:目的地* Non posso venire da te (a casa tua)Vado da Antonia (a casa sua)è andata da lui (a casa sua)Andiamo dal medico (allo studio del medico)地点* Mi trovo da tuo...

  • A前置词A 可用以表达:目的地Domenica vado a Roma地点Maria è a casaAbito a Perugia, in via dei Filosofi距离 Abito a tre chilometri da Roma目标 Mi dedico al lavoro时间 Le lezioni fin...

  • 前置词前置词用于联接句中的两个词,或者用以联接两个句子,前置词本身不发生变化。当前置词di, a, da, in, su 与定冠词一起使用时,必面与该定冠词...

  • 连词Congiunzioni简单说一下常用的连词e 和ma 但是quindi 所以anche 还pero 不过percio 所以neanche 也不infatti 实际上allora 那么并列连词词组: (连接两个并列成分...

  • 前置词Preposizioni无形态变化,也可以叫介词,在句中起连接词汇的作用,前置词很多,我们只说常用的几种:常用介词di,a,da,in,con,su,per,tradi指出后面的词是前...

  • In addition to interrogative adjectives, interrogative pronouns, and interrogative prepositions, one other group of words is also used in the formation of questions—the interrogative adverbs come? (...

  • Not in a very agreeable mood today? There are a number of negative expressions to counteract all those smiley, happy people. Some very common negative expressions include the following:non cambiare un...

  • To complete the fourth of subjunctive-tense verb forms, there’s the congiuntivo trapassato (referred to as the past perfect subjunctive in English), which is a compound tense. Form this tense with t...

  • Propri 专有名词Cesare凯撒Italia意大利Comuni 普通名词uomo男人cane狗nazione国家, 民族Concreti 具体名词giudice法官Roma罗马Astratti 抽象名词giustizia司法fedeltà忠诚pot...

  • -请大家注意这样一句话:Tu che cosa hai?(你有什么东西?或:你有什么?)注意这是疑问句,并且它的词序和英语里的完全不一样。What (things) do you have?T...

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