2022-12-04Nouns 名词阳性以-o结尾阴性以-a结尾中性以-e结尾例:un ragazzo =a boyuna scuola =a schoolun padre =a fatheruna notte =a night单数 ->复数单数变复数一般规则是O,E结...
2023-01-07The Italian indefinite article (l’articolo indeterminativo) corresponds to English a/an and is used with singular nouns. It also corresponds to the number one. INDEFINITE ARTICLES MASCHILE FEMMINILE...
2023-08-15In English the definite article (l’articolo determinativo) has only one form: the. In Italian, l’articolo determinativo has different forms according to the gender, number, and first letter of the...
2023-02-16avere 翻译“有”,类似于用于里面的have,可以和动词一起构成类似于完成事态Infinit avere Participio presente: avente Gerundi avendo Participio passat avuto avere avutoavendo ...
2019-01-22常用的简单动词变位表:essere----翻译“是” Infinit essere Participio presente: essente Gerundi essendo Participio passat stato essere statoessendo statoessente stato Indicativo Congiun...
2022-12-04印刷体 名称 读音 印刷体 名称 读音 A a a [a] N n enno [enno] B b bi [bi] O o o [o] C c ci [chi] P p p [bi] D d di [di] Q q cu [gu] E e e [e] R r erre [erle] F f effe [effe] S s esse [esse...
2023-03-21Compound tenses such as the passato prossimo are formed with the present indicative of the auxiliary verb avere or essere and the past participle (participio passato). The past participle of regular v...
2022-09-05Usually, Italian words are stressed on the next?Cto?Cthe?Clast syllable.amicofriendfoglialeafMilanoMilannipotenephewpadrefatherparlaretospeaksignorinaMissstudiareto studytelefonareto telephoneuomomanW...
2023-03-25Language is fluid, and usage changes. A case in point is the subjunctive (il congiuntivo), which in English is rapidly becoming extinct. Phrases like “I suggest you go home immediately“ and “Rob...
2022-10-30In general Italian adjectives follow the noun:è una lingua difficile. (It is a difficult language.)Marina è una ragazza generosa. (Marina is a generous girl.)Certain common adjectives, however, gene...