
  • Identify the Differences :Five Fundamental Patternsof Cultural Differences了解不同:中西文化差异的五种基本模式1.Different Communication Styles 不同的交流风格The way people c...

  • Formal Verbal Communication in Business I正式商业交流 (1)– 研讨会Part I ObjectivesProcedures of Seminars Leading and Commonly UsedSentence Structures研讨会各个程序及常用句型Ques...

  • BEC热潮不减,所以好多同学问有没有考试的技巧,坦率说,我心里非常清楚,好多人想要的技巧是能够在做阅读时不看文章就把题目全部做对,做听力...

  • 2014年BEC备考开始:在备考期间,考生们可能会产生很多困惑,比如考试时听力材料如何播放?口试如何评分?阅读需要多少词汇量?写作模板如何运用?答题...

  • 2014年BEC备考开始:在备考期间,考生们可能会产生很多困惑,比如考试时听力材料如何播放?口试如何评分?阅读需要多少词汇量?写作模板如何运用?答题...

  • BEC高级听力部分模拟试题汇总1BEC高级听力部分模拟试题(一)2BEC高级听力部分模拟试题(二)3BEC高级听力部分模拟试题(三)4BEC高级听力部分模拟试题(四)5BEC...

  • Exercise SixPart One Questions 1-12You will hear the General Manager of Artis Ltd giving her staff instructions about the arrangements for a visit to the company by a group of international agents.As ...

  •  Exercise FivePart OneQuestions 1-12You will hear part of a radio program on business topics. The presenter is talking about a company called Fast-Save.As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete th...

  • Exercise FourPart OneQuestions 1-12You will hear a speaker addressing a group of investors attending a dinner to celebrate a confectionery company’s one hundredth birthday.As you listen, for questio...

  • Exercise ThreePart OneQuestion 1-12You will hear the manager of On Course Ltd, a business training company, giving his staff instructions about a business summer school they are organizing, which begi...