2023-02-13练习提(3)Teachers pay little attention to those school failures, assuming that academic failure means failure in everything. What do you think of this attitude? Write a short argumentative essay(ab...
2022-10-29The command of one or more foreign languages is now a valuable asset for young people. While some find it easy to learn a foreign language, others feel that it really gives them headaches. Write a 300...
2019-01-231. Prejudices, it is well know, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education; they grow there, firm as weeds among rocks. (Charlotte Bro...
2023-03-26THINKING1. The men of experiment are like the ant, they only collect and use; the reasoners resemble spiders, which make cobwebs out of their own substance. But the bee takes the middle course: it gat...
2023-04-151. 环境保护大气污染:关键词:sulfur dioxide(二氧化硫,一氧化碳)Although substantial progress had been made, sulfur dioxide and monoxide levels were up 25 percent nationally and p...
2022-10-09沉迷网络(关键词:boost self-confidence增强自信, take refuge:逃避现实,stress:压力,withdraw: 离群According to psychologists, many young people suffering from shyness also risk ...
2023-01-17盗版产品(safeguard intellectual property,CD, videos, CD-ROMs, counterfeit trademarks)In March, China and the United States averted a trade war when they reached an agreement to safeguard U.S. in...
2023-06-10交通堵塞(关键词:Tokyo, narrow lanes, radiating highways, overcrowded, parking, blaring vehicles.)Much of the street pattern of Tokyo dates to historic times and is made of narrow, crooked lan...
2022-09-28禁烟运动:(关键词:smoking and bronchitis, heart attacks lung cancer, live lost,According to the recent surveys, cigarette smoking is at least responsible for some diseases such as bronchitis...