阅读:Portugese links(1)
ALL LINKS International and Multicultural Research in Spanish, Portuguese, and Most Asian Languages www.researchinternational.com/ Marketing research services in Spanish, Portuguese, and most Asian languages, in the United States, Latin America, and Asia. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Strategic multicultural research and consulting. Portuguese - English On-line Dictionary dictionaries.travlang.com/PortugueseEnglish/ Portuguese-English On-line Dictionary. This dictionary database is from the freeware multilingual program Ergane. It contains 14,000 terms. Also see... Brazil - Portuguese Language and Literature Search Form www.brazzil.com/ Brazil - Portuguese Language and Literature [ Home | Contents | Search | Post ] SEARCH FOR ARTICLE Find articles posted to this discussion containing matching words or patterns. Search documents for: Last changed: July 30, 1998 Resources for Teaching Portuguese www.unm.edu/~ensino/index.html Tips on how to promote/strengthen/grow a Portuguese program. Descriptions of courses developed for intermediate and advanced level classes. Divided into 3 groups, courses taught in Portuguese,English, and Spanish. A collection of home pages about Portugal www.well.com/user/ideamen/portugal.html The Ideamen’s Links to Portugal isthe oldest directory service on everything-Portuguese, on the virtual airsince April of 1995. I personally visit all the sites before including themhere--and believe me, there are a few that don’t make it onto the list. Portuguese Connection www.geocities.com/Athens/4731/ Portuguese related links Portuguese Chat www.eurochat.net Chat in portuguese. - JavaChat at Portugalnet DIRECTORIO DE PAGINAS HISPANOAMERICANAS www.ciudadfutura.com/superajedrez/director.htm 相关资料