
全国等级考试资料网 2023-06-21 20:57:01 80
10. Quem tudo quer, tudo perde.
"He who wants everything, loses everything."
11. A mentira tem pernas curtas.
"The lie has short legs."
Lies are difficult to maintain because we often discover facts that reveal the lie.
12. água mole em pedra dura, tanto bate até que fura.
"Soft water hits a hard stone so much that a hole is made in the stone."
It means that even the toughest people/things are overcome
through hard enough insistence.
13. Quem nunca comeu melado, quando come se lambuza.
"Someone who has never eaten syrup, will get completely
messed up with it when he eats it."
It means, when someone gets access to a good thing to which he
never had access before, he will go for it with everything, wanting to
have as much of it as possible - and will get all messed up.
14. Gato escaldado tem medo de água fria.
"A scalded cat is afraid of cold water."
When someone has had a bad experience, he’ll be much
more cautious in similar situations that may not even present risk 相关资料
