Larry和李华一起去看职业棒球赛。今天我们要学两个常用语:a drop in the bucket和a flash in the pan. LH: Larry, 世界杯结束了,咱们该看棒球了吧?我估计,棒球比赛肯定没有世界杯那么紧张。 L: I agree. Baseball games are much slower, and each game isn’t very important. LH: 对。每个队一年要打162场比赛,所以输个一两场的没什么问题。不像世界杯,输一场比赛就被淘汰! L: You’re exactly right. Each game is just a drop in the bucket. LH: A drop in the bucket? 这是什么意思? L; You can say that something is just a drop in the bucket if it is only a very small or insignificant part of something else. LH: 哦,a drop in the bucket就好比一桶水里的一个水滴,指无关紧要。我们中文里把这个叫沧海一粟。 L: Right! Here is another example. Joe donated $20 to help people in Haiti after the earthquake, even though $20 was just a drop in the bucket. LH: 海地地震后,Joe给灾民捐了20美元,尽管这只是很小的一笔钱。 L: Exactly. So Lihua, you’re going to support the Nationals, right? They’ve got a great new pitcher named Stephen Strasburg. LH: 我听说这个新投手特别棒! 不过 Larry, the Nationals去年打得那么差,换个新投手真能管用么? L: Yeah, he is probably just a drop in the bucket, but if the Nationals can get some more good players they might be better in a couple years. LH: 这么说,我们买票的钱就可以被用来聘请优秀的棒球队员喽? L: I guess that’s true, but of course, the price we paid for our tickets is just a drop in the bucket. LH: 可不是么。The Nationals要想签下身价几百万美元的球星,可不能只靠咱俩这门票钱。哎?为了在经济上支持他们,你给我买一件有他们队标的T恤衫吧! L: Well sure! But you have so many clothes, one more shirt is just going to be a drop in the bucket. ****** 比赛结束了,Larry和Lihua从棒球场往外走。 LH: Larry, 这个新的投手可真棒! L: Yeah, he played really well. If he keeps pitching like that, he is going to have an amazing career. I sure hope he’s not just a flash in the pan. LH: A flash in the pan? 什么意思? L: A flash in the pan is something that starts out really well, but lasts for only a very short amount of time. LH: 哦,就是昙花一现!你是说,你希望这个新投手不要在开始的时候表现很出色,但很快就默默无闻了。 L: Right. Here is another example. The new author’s first book got a lot of praise from critics, but he turned out to be a flash in the pan because his other books were terrible. LH: 我明白了。这位作家的第一本书一鸣惊人,可这只是昙花一现,因为他后来写的几本书都很差。 L: That’s right. LH: Larry, 你注意到了么?这片地方自从盖了新棒球场以来,漂亮多了!饭馆、商场什么的都多起来了! L: Yeah, a lot of people thought it would be a flash in the pan, but there is still a lot of development even a few years later. LH: 是啊,这个地区的发展可不是昙花一现,而是持续下来的。虽然现在经济不景气,但我还是希望他们能坚持下去。 L: Well, there were some signs that the economy was improving a few months ago. But unfortunately, it looks like they may have just been a flash in the pan. LH: 是啊,当时那些经济指标似乎都挺鼓舞人心的,谁知没过多久情况又变坏了。 L: Well spending $5 on dinner will only be a drop in the bucket for the economy. But a hamburger does sound great. LH: 好啊!咱们虽然不能改善全国的经济,但总可以先满足一下自己的胃吧! 今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是a drop in the bucket,表示无关紧要,沧海一粟。另一是a flash in the pan,意思是昙花一现。 相关资料 |