1、 Karen has just had her house redecorated. 翻译为:凯瑞刚让人把房子重新装修。 注意这里的用法,had sth done — 强调的是让别人做了什么 例:I had my clothes washed.(我让人把衣服洗了) 2、 The architect and Tom put there heads together to discuss what we wanted what was possible. 注意的词语:put heads together:共同商量、集思广益。 翻译为:建筑师和提姆共同商讨以可行的方式来满足我们的需求。 3、 After a few meetings, they came up with some super idea that everybody agreed with. 注意的词语:come up with:提出、拿出。 翻译为:经过一会儿的交谈,他们拿出了一些大家都同意的好点子。 4、 But the rest of it was surprisingly expensive. 注意的词语:the rest:其余者。It:代指装修所用的材料。 翻译为:但是其余的材料简直便宜得让人吃惊。 5、 We were able to make do with the materials we already have. 注意的词语:make do with:设法应付。 翻译为:我们设法将我们已经拥有的材料都用上了。 6、 I made up some of the curtains and pillows on the couch form mere sheets. 注意的词语:make up :在这里指做缝制.编织. 翻译为:我缝制了一些窗帘和睡椅靠垫,仅仅是用一些床单做的. 相关资料 |