
全国等级考试资料网 2019-01-24 08:14:06 44

1.What is important when planning health and safety training? Selecting topics, Selecting staff to attend

 Well, one of the first things to consider is to select topics for the training.  Only by choosing the appropriate topics can we be sure that the program is the right one for the staff.  Otherwise, we will just be wasting our time and efforts.

Health and safety is something that should concern many different departments in a firm.  As a result, we should involve not only people directly related to manufacturing, say,  Production and Quality Control, but also Marketing, After Sales Service, and R & D in order to enhance awareness throughout the company. 

2. What is important when dealing with a heavy workload? Time management, Sharing tasks

Well, the first thing to consider is time management.  When a heavy workload is at hand, we should always start early, in order to meet deadlines.  Also we can resort to technology, such as software, to speed up the processing of certain routine tasks.  And we must not neglect the ordering of priorities in that time should be planned according to the importance of the tasks we need to deal with. But most importantly of all, we should allocate blocks of time to specified tasks, so as to have a definite idea of when we should complete a certain task.

On the other hand, sharing tasks with a colleague is also worth mentioning.  Sometimes stress at work does get out of control.  In such cases, we should seek help from other colleagues so as to finish our work in time.  And whenever necessary, we can also reciprocate the favor. 

