
全国等级考试资料网 2023-06-24 10:20:33 86

Questions 13-17)

• You will hear five short recordings.

• For each recording, decide which book the speaker is talking about.

• Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.

• Do not use any letter more than once.

• After you have listened once, replay the recordings.

A Effective lime Management 13------------------

B Training that Works 14------------------

C An Introduction to Advertising 15-------------------

D How to Advertise Successfully 16--------------------

E Organising a Successful Conference 17-------------------

F The Perfect Personal Assistant

G How to Write Effective Letters

H Passing your Interview





eg. A. an invoice(发票)

B. a price-list(报价单)

C. a bank statement(银行结单)

D. a receipt(收据)

E. a company cheque(公司支票)

F. an expenses claim form(报销单)

You will hear five short recordings. For each recording, decide which type of document the speaker is talking about.(你将听到五段录音。请选择每短录音中,发言人在谈论哪一种文件。)

其中,第一段录音原文如下:Well, no wonder the bank’s returned it unpaid. Look, the figures don’t match the account in words. I expect someone was filling it in in too much of a hurry. Let’s see, we’ll better issue another one straight away to pay Mrs. Burton, because it’ll be another three weeks if we wait for the next cycle of payments. Her expenses on that sales trip were pretty high, and it wouldn’t be fair to keep her waiting much longer.

根据这样的一篇谈话,到底应该选择以上八种文件中的哪一项呢?当年那场考试中,有的考生并未理解录音整体的意思,只根据在开始部分听到的bank这个词,选择了C,bank statement,理由是这个选项似乎和谈话内容有点联系。其实,做这样的题目,同学们首先要避免的一个误区就是“听到什么选什么”。配伍题着重考察理解能力,不可能这样简单明了地给出答案。如果一个选项里面包含录音中直接提到的词,这往往是一个干扰项,应该排除。还有一些考生选择了F,expenses claim form,因为录音结尾部分提到Mrs Burton在有关销售的商务旅行中花费不菲,因此应尽快把钱还给她,这样的内容让人联想到“报销”。

本题的正确答案为E,company cheque。录音中有两条线索提示我们发言人在讲一种支票:第一,录音开头提到the bank’s returned it unpaid,意为银行拒付(理由是单据上的数字金额和文字表达的金额不符),这是直接针对支票而言的。像报销单一类的文件,属于仅限于公司内部流通的单据,不可能和公司以外的银行发生业务关系;第二,发言人提到了一个动词:issue,意为签发,这个单词在BEC考试中一般只和cheque连用。而在本题的八个选项中,只有E与支票有关,因此答案为E。

要把握本题的解题线索,首先对考生的词汇能力提出了要求。如果在积累词汇的过程中熟悉issue a cheque这样的用法,做题时才会有思路。其次,选项中的八种商业文件,各有怎样的作用?可能很多同学对此的概念都是非常模糊的,也很难想到报销单和公司支票究竟有什么区别。所以,配伍题对考生的商务操作能力也提出了要求,而这是很多同学,尤其是在校学生,极为欠缺的,需要在考试前着重强化。

