2016年商务英语口语对话句式集锦六 电视有长处,也有短处。 TV has its merits and demerits. TV has its good and bad points. There are good and bad points about TV. 我利用了他的弱点。 I took advantage of his weakness. *take advantage of...“利用……”。 我长了不少见识。 I’ve learned something. The TV show was interesting. (那个电视节目很有意思。) Yeah, and I’ve learned something. (是呀,我长了不少见识。) I’ve learned something new. (我学到了一些新东西。) 那会引起火灾呀! It’s a fire hazard. *hazard表示“人力无法躲避的危险”。 Look at John’s toy! (快看约翰的玩具。) It’s a fire hazard. (那会引起火灾呀!) It could catch on fire easily. (这很容易着火。) It could cause a fire. 相关资料 |