2016年商务英语听力词汇:易混淆词汇解析 chegue 支票 an invoice :a list of goods sent or services provided, with a statement of the sum due for these发票。(列了一个货物清单,以及这些一共值多少钱。)【这个词是BEC里的重点】 a price-list:a list of prices for things being sold 价目表 a bank statement:银行对账单 a receipt:收据 a balance sheet:资产负债表。会计里记账的 a contract:合同 an expenses claim form:报销单 要区分这些词,首先得弄明白这些东西各自是用来干什么的 cheque是用来支付的,所以常常和pay等连在一块 invoice发票,这个在BEC听力里面最常见了。一般是发送了货物,对方尚未支付,所以要求证明 (记得BEC中级课本中某一课里面有讲到这个词吧,可以把课本里的内容拿出来琢磨下) 价目表和收据好说 一个是价格的清单,一个是收到什么的证明 银行对账单,比较专业,由银行定期开给客户的,里面有关于存款和取款的信息 bank statement: a printed record of the balance in a bank account and the amounts that have been paid into it and withdrawn from it, issued periodically to the holder of the account (由银行定期寄给开户者的)银行结单 资产负债表,就是会计里记账用的,每月的收支 Balance Sheet: a statement of the assets, liabilities, and capital of a business or other organization at a particular point in time, detailing the balance of income and expenditure over the preceding period an expenses claim form报销单 这个应该好理解,报销,就是这里的claim claim这个词的意思非常多,这里就是索取: formally request or demand; say that one owns or has earned (something). 要求;索取;认领 相关资料 |