
全国等级考试资料网 2019-01-24 09:21:33 62

Personnel Management: how to effectively motivate staff

• Incentives: Be offered compensation and benefits that are tied to their performance. housing allowance, car allowance, children’s education allowance in addition to salaries. free health club and cafeteria. (high tech firms often supplement salaries with stock options)

• better job security-- That’s because job security offers peace of mind

• --more employee involvement programs. let staff at all levels participate in the improvement of the firm’s management and administration. Many firms have introduced staff suggestion schemes to encourage staff members to express their opinions and concerns.

Personnel Management: the importance to a company of having well-motivated staff

• better productivity: devote himself to the job. be very proactive in the approach to his responsibilities--- reduce wasted time and effort, which in turn can enhance productivity and overall performance

• --show greater loyalty and commitment to your company --Company loyalty in turn will greatly reduce turnover level and help retain the best brain needed by the firm.

• --staff morale in the firm will be boosted. driven and enthusiastic employees influence, likely to make the most of our talents and achieve

