
全国等级考试资料网 2023-04-12 10:47:26 102


(Office ambience)

CH:Amy, 你在,太好了。你看没看见Marshall, 他简直气死我了。我得马上找到他,把话说清楚。

A:I’m glad he is not around. I don’t know whathe did, but you need to calm down before you talk tohim.


A:When we are angry, we say things that wedon’t necessarily mean; but we can’t retract themafter they are said.


A:Remember, you are going to have to work with him for a long time unless you plan toleave. If you chew him out now, you will have a difficult, if not impossible, time, rebuilding yourrelationship. Now tell me what the problem is.


A:So you agreed?


A:I understand why you are upset, and rightfully so. I still suggest that you take time tocalm yourself and then plan when and how you will confront him. You can’t simply run himdown in the hall and have it out.


A:It will only make matters worse. Let’s talk after work today and try to avoid Marshall inthe meantime.



A:Chen Hao, how are you feeling now? Still angry?


A:May I suggest that you choose a time and place to talk to him?


A:First of all, don’t interrupt him when he is working. If the time is not right for him, hemay resent your interruption and won’t be agreeable to hearing you out.


A:Choose a place to meet with him where others cannot overhear your conversation. Thisissue is between you two, so keep it private. You don’t want to expose your problem to officegossip or draw anyone else in.


A:This will not be the time to take up all sorts of issues with him. Stay focused on what isbothering you now. Otherwise, he will just think that you are whining.

C:Amy, 你能不能再告诉我一遍,要怎么处理跟同事的纠纷?

A:First, take time to calm down. Select a private spot to talk. Plan what you will say andknow what you want the outcome to be.


