请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 晋朝(西晋) 西晋(265—316年)是历史上三国后短暂的统一王朝之一。它与之后的“东晋”合称“晋朝”。265年晋武帝司马炎建立,国号晋,定都洛阳,史称“西晋”,又称“司马晋”。西晋于280年完成全国统一,结束了80年的“三国”分裂局面,但这仅维持了51年历经,5位皇帝,之后是156年的“东晋十六国”时期,和170年的“南北朝”时期,直至581年才由隋朝重新统一了中国疆域。 参考译文 The Jin Dynasty (the Western Jin Dynasty) The Western Jin Dynasty (265-316), as one of the unified short-lived dynasties after the Three Kingdoms period, is known as "the Jin Dynasty" and later, "the Eastern Jin Dynasty". In 265, Sima Yan, Emperor Wu of Jin established Jin with Luoyang as the capital, which was known as "the Western Jin Dynasty", or "Sima Jin". The Western Jin Dynasty reunified the country in 280 by putting an end to 80 years’ separation of the "three Kingdoms". This situation, however, lasted only 51 years under the rule of 5 emperors and gave way to "the Eastern Jin Dynasty and 16 Kingdoms" period of 156 years and "the Southern and Northern Dynasties" period of 170 years, until the year 581, when the Sui Dynasty reunified the country. 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 晋朝(东晋) 东晋(317-420年),是由西晋皇室后裔司马睿在中国南方建立起来的政权,史称东晋,又称“中晋”或“江左”,主要疆域在秦岭、淮河以南的地区。东晋与北方的五胡十六国并存,这一历史时期又称“东晋十六国”。420年,刘裕夺东晋帝位,建立“刘宋”(即“南朝宋”),进入“南朝”时期。 参考译文 The Jin Dynasty (the Eastern Jin Dynasty) The Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420) was a regime established in Southern China by Sima Rui, the descendant of the imperial family of the Western Jin Dynasty. Also known as "Central Jin" or "Jiang Zuo", it boasted its main territory in the regions south of the Qinling Mountains and the Huaihe River. Featuring the co-existence of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the 16 kingdoms established by the five ethnic minorities in the northern regions, this period is also known as "the Eastern Jin Dynasty and 16 Kingdoms". In 420, Liu Yu dethroned the emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and established "Liu Song" (i.e. the Song Dynasty of Southern Dynasties) and ushered in the period of the "Southern Dynasties". 相关推荐:2017年12月英语六级翻译题库汇总(367篇) 相关资料 |