请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 光复会 光复会是清末著名的革命团体,又名“复古会”,由蔡元培、陶成章、龚宝铨等人于1903年11月在上海正式成立。光复会的旨为“光复汉族,还我山河,以身许国,功成身退”。光复会的成员大部分为小资产阶级知识分子、商人、工匠,亦有少数地主士绅,其中著名成员有:秋瑾、章太炎、柳亚子等人,后不少会员加入同盟会。 参考译文 The Restoration Society The Restoration Society, also called the "Retro Society ", was a famous revolutionary union in the late Qing Dynasty which was established in October 1903 in Shanghai, by Cai Yuanpei, Tao Chengzhang, Gong Baoquan and others. It aimed at "recovering the Han nationality, returning the lost land, dedicating oneself to the country and retiring after succeeding". Most members of the society were petty bourgeoisie, intellectuals, merchants and craftsmen, with a few landlords and members of the gentry. Some famous members among them were Qiu Jin, Zhang Taiyan, Liu Yazi, etc, and later many of them joined the Chinese Revolutionary League. 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 华兴会 华兴会是中国近代民主革命团体,于1904年在长沙成立,由革命党人黄兴担任第一届会长,是一个反对清政府统治的革命组织。其宗旨是:“驱除鞑虏,复兴中华”; 参考译文 The Chinese Rejuvernation Society The Chinese Rejuvenation Society was a democratic revolutionary group in modern China established in Changsha in1904, whose first president was Huang Xing, a revolution enthusiast. It was an anti-Qing Government revolutionary organization, whose purpose was to "drive out the tartar tribes and restore China". 相关推荐:2017年12月英语六级翻译题库汇总(367篇) 相关资料 |