请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 吐蕃 吐蕃是7-9世纪时古代藏族建立的政权,是一个位于青藏高原的古代王国,延续了两百多年。吐蕃社会生产以农牧业为主,农作物有青稞、小麦、荞麦等;牲畜有牦牛、马、驼、羊等;手工业有烧炭、冶铁、制胶、毛织等。吐蕃时期的碑铭、木简、文书、经卷等尚有大量保存至今,是研究吐蕃社会和历史的宝贵资料。 参考译文 Tubo Tubo was a regime established by ancient Tibetans between the 7th and 9th century. This ancient kingdom is located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and was the first regime established in Tibetan history. Following the collapse of the Tubo Dynasty, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and local people were renamed "Tubo" or "Xibo" in historical Han records of the Song, Yuan, and early Ming Dynasties. 相关推荐:2017年大学英语六级翻译试题库汇总(430篇) 相关资料 |