请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 火烧圆明园 火烧圆明园在狭义上指1860年10月18日-21日,由英法联军在第二次鸦片战争中入侵中国,抢劫并焚烧圆明园3日的事件。广义的抢劫和焚烧范围不仅只圆明园一处,而是京西的皇家“三山五园”,其焚毁的范围及程度远比圆明园大得多。英法侵略军报复性的损毁使大量文化艺术品,是人类历史文明史上的一次浩劫。 参考译文 The Burning of the Old Summer Palace The Burning of the Old Summer Palace narrowly refers to the accident when the British-French army invaded China in the Second Opium War and robbed and burned the Old Summer Palace for three days, from October 18th to 21st 1860. The scope of robbing and burning, which is much bigger than that of the Old Summer Palace, is not only the Old Summer Palace in a broad sense, but also the imperial “Three Hills and Five Mountains” in the western part of Beijing. This behavior of retaliatory destruction of the British-French army resulted in the destruction of a large number of cultural works of art. It is also a catastrophe in the history of human civilization. 相关推荐:2017年大学英语六级翻译试题库汇总(430篇) 相关资料 |