2018年6月英语六级翻译考试试题:增广贤文 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 《增广贤文》 《增广贤文》又名《昔时贤文》、《古今贤文》,是一部古训集、民间谚语集,为中国古代儿童启蒙书目。其内容汇集了为人处事的各类谚语,很有哲理性,释道儒各方面的思想均有体现。该书大致有这样几个方面,一是谈人及人际关系,二是谈命运,三是谈如何处世,四是表达对读书的看法。人称“读了增广会说话,读了幼学走天下”。 参考译文 Wisdom in Chinese Proverbs Wisdom in Chinese Proverbs, also known as Wisdom in Ancient Aphorisms or Wisdom in Ancient and Current Aphorisms, is a collection of aphorisms and proverbs used by ordinary people in ancient China, and serves as a primer for children. The book is a collection of various philosophical proverbs about human interaction, where traces of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are all noticeable. The book deals with such topics as human behavior and interpersonal relations; destiny; how to interact with society; and opinions on reading. 相关推荐:2018年英语六级翻译题库汇总(535篇) 相关资料 |