
全国等级考试资料网 2019-01-24 17:03:02 106


week-long holidays , good or bad ?what’s your opinion ?

our national day is coming . we shall have days of r est , presumably weeklong holidays again just like the weeklong may day holidays . many people welcome weeklong holidays and ar e bu sy planning wher e and how to spend the seven days ; wher eas many other people do not applaud . as to me, weeklong holidays mean a span of dullness , bor edom, melancholy and helples sness , and i think anyone who had expe rienced the holiday suf ferings in may would sha re my feelings .

i well r emember that from may day , to be mor e exact , a few days ea rlie r than may day , the shopping season sta rt ed . most s hops extended their shopping hours to r espond to their ove rwhelmingly enth usiastic cu stomers . t her e were special sales with discount coupons and instant lucky dr aws and various sales promotion s in near ly every big store to lure potential custome rs into s pending more . crowds of s hoppe rs flocked towards depa rtment stores , enjoying their high pur - chasing power .

there wer e t raffic jams almost everywhere , people waited in long queues at bus-stop s and t axi-stands , looking entir ely exhausted . temper s flar ed when people got pu shed or if someone else cut the queue . impatient driver s honked at each other every now and then .

the r ailway station was congested with t ravelers who rus hed to the platform like a swa rm of bees and then squeezed their way into the t rain for seats as if ther e would be no tomor -row .

in the restaur ants , tables were shared . a platoon of waiters filed out f rom the kitchen armed with va riou s containers of eatables . orders wer e taken feverishly and then shouted across to the kitchen . excit ement reigned everywhere as waiters r an hithe r and thither to fill the orders .

the above are just some vivid scenes that happened a few months ago . everywhere was chaos and chaos everywhere . i am really af raid the dr ama will soon be r epeated .

true , weeklong holidays help activate economy , but what about after-holiday depression ? no doubt , people can have a lot of leisur e, b ut leis ur e does not always bring a lot of pleasure .

