
全国等级考试资料网 2022-07-22 22:13:40 121


effects of tourism

tourism is becoming an incr easingly important indu stry in china . our government has taken ef fective measures to improve this new indu st ry over the past few yea rs . for example , it has explor ed many appealing scenic and historic spots . tourists f rom all ove r the world come in flock to china every year .

but people differ as to the advantages and disadvantages of the tourist indust ry . those who a re in favour of tourism a rgue that our count ry can benefit a lot from it . for one thing , it is a large source of foreign exchange and an impor tant pa r t of national plan ning as well . for anothe r , we may well say that tourism can help to promot e the unde rstanding and f riendship among the peoples of differ ent count ries .

the main r eason why some people oppose tourism is that the mas ses cannot benefit from it because the pressur e of too many tourists means the highe r prices of goods .

in spite of this , i think its gain s outweigh its losses . it also means more employment and more income for the country . for this r eason the tourist indust ry should be developed vigorou sly so as to meet the needs of our socialist economy

