
全国等级考试资料网 2019-01-24 17:05:55 334


「参考译文」Lake Louise河水是什么颜色?


「详细解答」先找到Lake Louise,在Day 16 Wed一栏中,“Later we’ll stop at Lake Louise—mineral deposits have given it a unique green color”。

TEXT M短文大意(略)






「参考译文」Bernard Jessie关于什么的研究最着名?


「详细解答」先找到Berard Jessie,阅读这个内容。



「参考译文」The old man said that what was wrong with me was that I was too keen to win.Then he told me that if my opponent was too eager to win I should use soft methods to transform him.While I was transforming him I should be setting up the situation in which to defeat him.Softness isn’t weakness.It’s containing,drawing in,holding.By holding and transforming your opponent you draw him into the strategy you’re setting up.To create this strategic situation you do everything by forcing nothing.Forcing nothing is the Way.It’s also the unchangeable nature of chess.Try to change it and it won’t be chess.You won’t just lose;You won’t be able to play at all.You can’t go against the nature of chess,but you have to creat your own strategy in every game you play.Once you’ve sorted out both the nature of chess itself and your own strategy there’s nothing you can’t do.It really is mysterious,but if you think it over carefully you’ll find it’s true.

「详细解答」对待深奥的古文,可以用简单易懂的当代英语把文中诸多的术语及其所包含的深奥道理讲得清清楚楚。“老头儿说我的毛病又太盛”可意译,以及增译为 “too keen to win”,“柔不是弱,是容,是收,是含”,译成“softness isn’t weakness.It’s containing,drawing in,holding,”和原文的流畅性保持一致:“你想变,就不是象棋,输不用说了,连棋边儿都沾不上”译为“Try to change it and it won’t be chess.You won’t just lose;you won’t be able to play at all,”尽量使译文保持原文的节奏与速度。



……我没有勇气再往编辑部那边去。晚上经常躺着,睡不着觉。每到星期四,一大早就起来,溜到最近一家卖报的那里,战战兢兢地拿起《新闻周报》看上一眼,还有点不愿让人知道,仿佛那卖报的——顺便说一下,这个女人也是穷苦人,都管她叫高尔龙太太 ——仿佛她会猜出我秘密。最后,在极度失望的情况下,我就来到报社,见到了阿奇博先生德尔,他好像很惊讶,对我说了许多鼓励的话,还告诉我,他们把“共和国之歌”压缩了一下,是想把它用在一个特殊的场合——迎接八小时工作制。

「详细解答」这篇译文中可适当使用增译法,词序调整法,以及分译法。例如 “…had been nearly caught on the premises under suspicious circumstances”利用译法“差一点被当场抓住,已经引起怀疑”:“the Bulletin”运用增译法“为《新闻周刊》编辑部”:“used to lie awake and get up very early and slip down to the nearest news-agent’s on Thursday mornings”这一句可运用多种方法的综合,见译文。文中有些词语理解要到位,“shove”为“to push forward or along”塞入:“haggard”为“appearing worn and gaunt”憔悴的:“on the premises”为“on the scene”当场。

