
全国等级考试资料网 2022-06-23 15:32:02 69



今年卷一题目是the importance of writing and how to improve writing skills,考查形式属于“现象类”,考查内容属于“大学生学习工作生活”,考查形式和内容均类似于2010年6月四级考题“Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling”,具体解析如下:



1. 注意前期基本功的夯实,包括基础词汇和基础语法。深知词汇是英语学习的基础构成单位,词汇的记忆贵在坚持,贵在重复;而语法是对于逻辑思维的培养和考查,语法的掌握贵在学以致用,贵在举一反三。

2. 注意后期单项技巧的掌握,包括写作,听力,阅读和翻译。并加强课后练习,不断巩固,强化概念。这些技巧能够帮助考生在第一时间迅速切中要害,如同打游戏开的外挂,但也应该懂得技巧属于锦上添花,而不是雪中送炭。


Against the backdrop of economic globalization, never before has English learning aroused so much concern among the public, among which the learning of writing is always on the top of both students’ and teachers’ agenda.

There exist numerous necessities for this phenomenon spreading in colleges nowadays. On the one hand, as for students, it is an important and indispensable quality for them to be competitive in the future job market, as writing is a process of output that needs a long time of accumulation. Thus, to be excelled in writing is equal to painstaking efforts for English learning in universities. On the other hand, enterprises and corporations nowadays are in the position of enrolling those who are equipped with excellent mastery of English writing, in that cross-national cooperation and collaboration does need formal written documentaries or contracts, which can be fully demonstrated in the format of writing.

To sum up, it is high time effective measures be taken to further improve this beneficial situation. To start with, we each student should pay enough attention to every aspects of English learning, especially writing. Apart from that, relevant courses or lectures are also supposed to be launched in colleges to highlight the significance of writing. Only in this way can a bright and promising future beneficial to all be expected in the long run!

(卷二和卷三分别考查reading和speaking的Importance和improve 的方式,作文展开维度类似)

