四级的题型包括论说文、说明文、记叙文。2017年6月份我们考的是考应用文,卖的是二手车、二手电脑,12月份考的是文字当中的A或者B的形式,到底是工作还是考研,到底是国企还是外企。2017年12月考到的是大家关心的医闹问题,同学感觉到这个问题比较伤感。医闹怎么说?我们可以翻成“医疗的一些问题、争端或者冲突”等等。这是第一套题。第二套题,讲的是所谓的老师和学生之间的关系如何营造。第三套题,父母和孩子的关系。 大家发现这道题从审题的难度来讲基本长没有什么难度,基本上是初中、小学词汇,题干不会出现什么问题。 “How to”题型已经考过三次,重点在如何(how),也就是说我们重点是方法。从内容上来讲,但是发现这三道考题之间的关系是大家非常熟悉的话题,比说医闹关系,医生和患者之间的关系,老师和学生的关系,这是教育的话题,再比如家长和孩子之间的关系等等,所以从题材到内容来说都是四级考生已经必备的知识要素。 我们的四六级的写作满分是15分,包括两部分,第一是奖励分,第二是基本分的部分。 首先,奖励分是卷面的问题,大家都喜欢美的事物。也就是说要保持卷面清晰,给老师留下好的第一印象。第二是基本分。这里包括三部分。 2017年12月英语四级作文:医患关系 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 【解析】 题材: 单一命题议论文; 要求: 给建议; 话题: 如何最好地处理医生和病人的关系 观点: 和谐医患关系很重要 方法: 医生提高职业能力;病人提高素质 首段设计:引话题+明主旨 1.众所周知+现状描述,背景介绍。2. 我认为+观点 It is beyond dispute that the increasingly nervous relationship between doctors and patients has triggered a rather widespread concern among the general public, as numerous reports about medical negligence have been unveiled continually. I am of an opinion that there is no more significance than keeping a harmonious physician-patient relation. 中间段设计:方法如下+方法分析 1.方法如下。2. 方法一:提高职业能力。(分析原因结果)3. 方法二:病人要提高素质。(分析原因结果)4. 数据/例子 Several possible measures relating to relieve the tension of doctor-patient relationship are included as follows. For one thing, owing to the fact that doctors in some local hospitals who lack the medical skills are not trusted fully by the public, they ought to improve their occupational qualities to assure the safety of medical work. For another, for patients, they should learn to trust and appreciate doctors because of their professional skills. Take my recent experience in hospital for instance. It was effective communication between me and my surgeon that enabled the operation more smoothly. 结尾段设计:总结+展望 1. 总结。2. 展望 Establishing a doctor-patient trust relationship, all in all, has brought about a series of positive effects on every aspect of life. Only by making collective efforts from both two sides can the relationship be prompted. 【参考范文】 Recent years, the relationship between doctors and patients has been a heated topic. However, with the increasingly serious physician-patient relationship, it is important to find out some ways to solve the problem. Therefore, some measures mentioned below are the most important aspects that we should take into consideration. On the one hand, it is indispensable that communication between doctor and patients should be strengthened due to the the fact that doctor-patient communication can be seen as a bridge of two-way communication between doctors and patients, which is beneficial for them to improve their relationship. As a matter of fact, although sometimes there are some defects in medical infrastructure, patients can make allowance for them friendly for their good relationship. On the other hand, the most important character doctor should have is professional ethics that is the foremost way to gain trust from patients. All in all, it is high time that both hospitals and patients should take some steps to deal with current poor relationship. Only in this way, can we create a harmonious society. 2017年12月英语四级作文:亲子关系 【题目】 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between parents and children. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 【参考范文】 As we widely know that the relationship between parents and children plays a significant role in the domestic relationship, which not only serves as crucial bridge to build trust and connection between two generations but also exerts a profound and subtle influence toward to children’s personal growth. In order to strengthen the relationship, it is imperative to cultivate the respect between generations, which not only includes the respect to parents from children but also the other way around. Furthermore, it is sensible for the parents to spend more time on the company with their children, enhancing the affection between each other. Finally, it is wise for the parents to set an example rather than make demands, enabling the children to follow and achieve spiritual development. To sum up, the sound relationship between two generations requires the integration of numerous measures derived from the joint effort of parents, children and schools. 【参考译文】 我们都很清楚父母与子女关系在家庭关系当中扮演着重要的角色,不仅是一座建立代际信任和连接的桥梁,也会给孩子个人的成长带来深远和微妙的影响。 为了加强这种关系,应该培养代际之间的尊重,不光是子女对父母的尊重,也包括父母对子女的尊重。另外,父母应该多陪陪子女,加强互相之间的感情培养。最后,父母与其只对子女提出要求,不如做个榜样让孩子去效仿并且获得精神上的成长。 总之,代际间的良好关系需要结合各种措施,也需要父母,孩子以及学校的共同努力。 【范文解析】 本次英语四级考试话题和考生的生活息息相关,相关的内容和论点并不难想出。在语言表达的过程中,要做到词语的多样性和句子的多元化,要做到逻辑清晰,详略得当。首先,对父母和子女关系进行整体的概括,然后中间段解决题目当中所提出的如何加强关系的问题,最后进行总结,即要求各方努力才能够实现。 四级的题型包括论说文、说明文、记叙文。2017年6月份我们考的是考应用文,卖的是二手车、二手电脑,12月份考的是文字当中的A或者B的形式,到底是工作还是考研,到底是国企还是外企。2017年12月考到的是大家关心的医闹问题,同学感觉到这个问题比较伤感。医闹怎么说?我们可以翻成“医疗的一些问题、争端或者冲突”等等。这是第一套题。第二套题,讲的是所谓的老师和学生之间的关系如何营造。第三套题,父母和孩子的关系。 大家发现这道题从审题的难度来讲基本长没有什么难度,基本上是初中、小学词汇,题干不会出现什么问题。 “How to”题型已经考过三次,重点在如何(how),也就是说我们重点是方法。从内容上来讲,但是发现这三道考题之间的关系是大家非常熟悉的话题,比说医闹关系,医生和患者之间的关系,老师和学生的关系,这是教育的话题,再比如家长和孩子之间的关系等等,所以从题材到内容来说都是四级考生已经必备的知识要素。 我们的四六级的写作满分是15分,包括两部分,第一是奖励分,第二是基本分的部分。 首先,奖励分是卷面的问题,大家都喜欢美的事物。也就是说要保持卷面清晰,给老师留下好的第一印象。第二是基本分。这里包括三部分。 第一是文章的结构。 我们在写作文的时候分三个层次,总分总的原则,第一自然段我们一定要进行引题部分,第二是分析,第三是总结。第一段把医患关系,家长和孩子关系,学生和老师的关系等等,这些核心的主题词引导出来。 第二是分析。根据不同文章的要求,不同文章的题材进行分析的过程。重点在方法、建议的措施上。所以这个文章中间分析的环节,重点讲的是建议、措施和方法。 第三是总结。注意要加上所谓逻辑关系词。比如三个方法,或者是三个建议的措施,三个原因,三个危害等等。 这是英语考试,大家一定要想清楚我们每句话首先保证的是准确,其次保证的是漂亮。如何保证准确漂亮?第一个是词的运用,我们在刚才的文章当中,是否出现了“重要important”这个单词,你可以换一些高级的词汇essential,当你把这些常见的单词进行高级化的替换以后,你的分值就会提高。再说一下句型的文化。好的文章,不仅是句子准确,还要考虑句子的高级化。比如说你是否运用了非谓语动词等高级语法。 2017年12月英语四级作文:师生关系 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between teachers and students. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 作文题目要求写一篇关于how to best handle the relationship between teachers and students(如何恰当处理师生关系)的作文,字数120-180。常见表达如下: 当今社会,应该如何建立和维系良好的师生关系是一个古老又崭新的话题。 In recent society, how to construct and maintian a good relationship between teachers and students is a topic both old and new. 摆脱传统观念的束缚是建立平等友好的师生关系的根本因素。 It is a radical factor to break away from the constraint of conventional view for the construction of an equal and friendly teacher-student relationship. 想要处理好师生关系,老师需要更好地了解学生,成为学生的良师益友。 In order to appropriately handle teacher-student relationship, it is necessary for teachers to get a better understanding of students and to become students’ good teachers and helpful friends. 众所周知,和谐的师生关系在教育中起到至关重要的作用,它既反映了社会政治、经济、文化、道德关系。 It is widely known that a harmonious teacher-student relationship plays a crucial role in education, which reflects relationships among policy, economy, culture and ethic. 因而建立和谐的师生关系是对教育者提出的最为基本的要求、同时也是教育改革发展的必然趋势。这是因为师生关系不同于一般的社会关系。 Thus to construct a good teacher-student relationship is an essential requirement for educators as well as an inevitable tendency for educational reform and development due to the fact that teacher-student relationship is quite different from common social relationships. 随着社会和文化的迅速发展,对新型师生关系的需要日趋明显。 With society and culture developing rapidly, there is an increasingly obvious demand for a new relationship between teachers and students beyong the traditional one. 根据以上分析,我们可以得出这样的结论:和谐的师生关系对教育的发展至关重要。教育部分应该采取有效措施来培养和发展良好的师生关系。 According to what has been discussed above, we can come to a conclusion that a harmonious relationship between teachers and students is of great significance to educational development. It is imperative for our educational department to take effective measures to cultivate and develop a good teacher-student relationship. 相关资料 |