2018年12月英语四级翻译考试模拟题:过年 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 在从前的农业社会里,中国人最重要的节日就是过年。对过去的一年来说,这是结束;对未来的一年来说,这是开始。一进入腊月,街头巷尾就充满了过年的气氛,这种气氛要持续一个半月之久。大家通过各种游乐节目来调剂一年来的辛劳,在游乐中流露着一种乐观进取的精神。过年时,每家门上都贴上了春联,耀眼的红纸给人们带来了喜气,优美的字句提供了勉励。 参考译文 In previous/former agricultural society, the Spring Festival was the most important holiday in China. It is the end of the past year and the beginning of the next. As soon as the twelfth month of the lunar year begins, streets are filled with an atmosphere of celebrating the Spring Festival for a month and a half. People relax and get rid of the past year’s hard work by a variety of entertainment with a sense of optimism and enterprise. During the holiday, Spring Festival couplets are put on the door of every household. The shining red paper brings happiness to people, and the elegant/graceful words offers encouragement. 热点关注:2018年英语四级考试翻译试题库(810篇) 相关资料 |