2018年大学英语四级考试翻译试题:环境问题4篇 第一篇 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 要想长期解决污染问题就需要教育公众多使用公共交通,多用公共资金来建设并运营高效的系统。 但是,只要措施得当,这些问题还是会很好地解决的。 参考译文 Long-term traffic and pollution reductions would depend on educating the public to use public transport more, and on governments using public money to construct and run efficient systems. However, these issues can be addressed strategically within the proper policy adopted. 第二篇 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 雾霾 雾霾是雾和霾的统称,是一种天气现象,也称“灰霾”,指空气中的灰尘、硫酸、硝酸、有机碳氢化合物等大量极细微的干尘粒子均匀的浮游在空中,使空气浑浊,视野模糊并导致能见度恶化。当水汽凝结加剧、空气湿度增大时,霾就会转化为雾。因为空气质量的恶化,雾霾天气现象便会增多。 参考译文 Smog Smog is a general term of fog and haze. It is a weather phenomenon, also called grey haze. The dust in the air, vitriol, nitric acid, organic hydrocarbon and other impalpable particles floating in the air make it turbid, and worsen the visibility. When the moisture congeals, air humidity gets higher and the haze will turn to fog. When the air gets worse, the smog will increase. 第三篇 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 低碳生活 低碳生活就是在生活中尽量采取低能耗、低排放的生活方式。特别是降低二氧化碳的排放量,减少对大气的污染,减缓生态恶化。主要从节电、节气和回收三个环节来改变生活细节。低碳生活对于普通人来说是一种生活态度,既是一种生活方式,同时更是一种可持续发展的环保责任。 参考译文 Low-carbon Life "Low-carbon life" refers to a lifestyle with low energy consumption and low carbon emissions, especially the emission of carbon dioxide, so as to reduce atmospheric pollution and alleviate ecological deterioration. It aims to create positive environmental change through lifestyle changes, such as saving electrical energy, saving gas, and recycling. For the masses, low-carbon lifestyle is an attitude to life, and also a commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development. 第四篇 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 污染已成为问题,因为在当今人口越来越多,社会越来越工业化的世界上,人类正在污染他们居住的环境。许多科学家认为人类最大的错误是把发展和进步等同起来。现在人们以怀疑的态度看待“发展性”的产业,因为它们的副作用会破坏环境,破坏各种生命之间的关系。人口的增长导致对世界上有限的空气、水和土地的需求不断增长。伴随着人口增长的是越来越多的人渴望更高的生活水平。于是对电、水和商品的更大需求必然造成有更多的废物要处理。这个问题已经引起人们对生物及其环境的日益关注。许多人认为,人类没有尽快地解决这一问题,却只顾谋求私利,以致于到了无可挽救的地步以后才充分认识到这种兵贵神速。 参考译文: Pollution is a problem because man in an increasingly populated and industrialized world is upsetting the environment in which he lives.2) Many scientists maintain that one of man’s greatest errors has been to equate growth with advancement. 3) Now “growth” industries are being looked on with suspicion in case their side effects damage the environment and disrupt the relationship of different forms of life.4) The growing population makes increasing demands on the world’s fixed supply of air water and land.5) This rise in population is accompanied by the desire of more and more people for a better standard of living, in an ever increasing amount of waste material to be disposed of.6) The problem has been causing increasing concern to living things and their environment.7) Many believe that man is not solving these problems quickly enough and that his selfish pursuit of possessions takes him past the point of no return before he fully appreciates the damage. 热点关注:2018年英语四级考试翻译试题库(810篇) 相关资料 |