
全国等级考试资料网 2022-09-02 19:37:28 65

Malawi’s Homegrown Vegetables Ease Food Shortage


In Malawi, over 6 million people need food aid because severe weather has made growing corn crops difficult. But small home gardens are helping. The Victory Garden Campaign is working with people in the capital city of Lilongwe to grow avariety of vegetables near their houses.

Edson Kumbani and his family live in the Likuni area of the capital city. He created a garden last year after his corn crop failed.

Like most farmers in Malawi, his family depended on corn as its main source of food. But now he grows vegetables such as tomatoes, pumpkins, beans and potatoes.

His wife, Efrida helps with the garden.

“Now I have even stopped asking my husband about food whenever he leaves the house. I just enter the garden and pick whatever food I need for the family and cook it.”

Kumbani began his garden with help from a U.S. anti-hunger charity, Face to Face. Its mission is to help communities help themselves. Ken Wong is the director. 相关资料
