
全国等级考试资料网 2022-07-09 10:59:26 82






Agriculture is one of the most important industries inChina which embraces more than 300 millionworkers. China ‘s agriculture output ranks the first allover the word, and it mainly produce rice, wheatand beans. China provides 20 percent of the worldfood, though its agriculture land only accounts for 10% of the world’s total.China’s history ofplanting rice dates back as early as 7700 B.C. Long before the use of machinery and fertilizers,industrious and creative farmers had already used different kinds of methods to increase cropyields. The latest trend of the agriculture development in China is to promote organicagriculture. And the organic agriculture can serve a variety of purposes, which including foodsafety, public health and sustainable development.





As China’s economy booms, there is a dramaticincrease in the number of people learning Chinese,which makes it become one of the most popularlanguages. In recent years, international ranks ofChinese universities have apparently boosted. Owingto the progress of Chinese education, it is not odd that China has become one of the mostfavorite destinations for oversea students studying abroad. In 2015, around four hundredthousand international students piled into China to study. What they learn is no more limitedto the subjects of Chinese and Chinese culture, they also learn science and engineering. In theglobal education market, America and Britain still play dominant roles, while China is catchingup.





With the improvement of living standards, vacationis playing an increasingly important role in Chinesepeople’s life. In the past, Chinese people mainlyspent their time on earning a living and seldom didthey have the opportunities to travel abroad.However, the recent years has witnessed a fast development of China’s tourism industry. Theboom of economy and emergence of the affluent middle class, has triggered anunprecedented tourism boom. Chinese people are not only traveling within China, buttraveling abroad is also becoming more and more popular. During the National Day holiday of2016, the consumption of tourism adds up to more than 400 billion. According to the estimateof the WTO, China will become the country with the largest tourism industry in the world in2020, and it will become the country with the fastest consumption increase in traveling abroadin the next few years.


