2019年英语六级翻译练习:白色噪音 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 敲击键盘的声音也许是现代社会的一种白色噪音,但其实,他们所透露出的信息比疏忽的打字者意识到的要更多。通过简单分析击键声音的录音,计算机专家们现在就能够准确无误的解析出一篇通过键盘输入的文字的脚本,甚至包括输入的密码。以其他计算机比起来,这个过程简单很多,仅仅需要一个便宜的麦克风和一台电脑。 参考译文 Clattering keyboards may seem the white noise of the modern age, but they betray more information than unwary typists realize. Simply by analyzing audio recordings of keyboard clatter, computer scientists can now reconstruct an accurate transcript of what was typed—including passwords. And in contrast with many types of computer espionage, the process is simple, requiring only a cheap microphone and a desktop computer. 热点关注:2018年英语六级翻译模拟题(972篇) 相关资料 |