
全国等级考试资料网 2022-07-19 09:16:01 339



Somepeople think that the recent increase in cheap air travel has brought manybenefits, but others believe that this development has drawbacks for theenvironment and world’s resources. Discuss both these views and give your ownopinion.



1. 降低了出行的成本,极大的刺激了旅游业。

2. 降低了运输成本,让人们享受到低廉的来自外面的蔬菜水果和鲜花。

3. 更多的贸易会选择空运,这能快速的运输和投递货物,减少了产品的物流周期和存储时间,便于商品的流通和贩卖。

4. 身处异地的人们会更多的回家和家人相聚,这促进了亲情。


1. 廉价意味着航班的服务质量下降,飞行安全下降。同时它们的航班时间往往在深夜,颠倒了人们的休息时间。

2. 廉价飞行会引爆航空业,这增加了空气和噪音污染,也意味着更多的航空设施,如机场河跑道的建立。结果是,大量的动物和植物会失去栖息地。


Somepeople think this trend can shorten the period of goods delivery, and boost thetourism industry. Many others, however, have a serious concern with theenvironmental pollution caused by more and more air flights. Personally, I amin favor of the former view, and my reasons will be explored as below.

Firstly,thanks to decreased costs of air driven by ever improved technology, airfreightis more cost-effective, convenient and available, which means residents in anyplace can enjoy a more efficient logistics of goods delivery, a higher-leveldiversity of imported commodities, as well as fresh food, vegetables, flowers,and seafood originated outside, at a lower expense. Besides, cheap air travelalso spurs a thriving international tourism. People, especially poor ones, noware more willing to take plane for going outside and visiting regions andcountries distant away. Therefore, an increased inflow of tourists creates morejobs and activates economic consumption worldwide.

Nevertheless,nothing comes for free and opponents argue that it is detrimental to theenvironment. Aircrafts consume a large amount of fuel which is a non-renewablesource of energy, and as such over-depletion of it would deprive futuregenerations of enjoyment of the resource. Apart from this, plane exhaustcontains a variety of air contaminants including carbon dioxide which is amajor cause of climate change. Pollutants in the upper atmosphere tend tosurvive longer in the environment and thus have a more devastating effect.

Inaddition to air pollution, the most worrying aspect is that this trend mightdestroy the natural land. Obviously, cheap air travel leads to a drasticexpansion of air transportation system. That is to say, forests, wet lands andjungles have to be flattened and developed to build up new airports andrunways, in order to meet the requirements of more frequent arrivals anddepartures of more aircrafts. As a result, massive species of plants andanimals will go into extinction, because of the disappearance of theirhabitats.

In conclusion,I believe disadvantages of cheap air travel are over its advantages. Althoughthe time and money can be saved through lower-cost air transportation, itsirreversible damages to the whole environment should never be ignored.(361)

