欢迎词 Mr Luois Alexander 应邀来渝讲学,并到你校参观,和一些学生座谈。现由你(张渝)主持座谈会,代表你校学生用英语致词欢迎词。欢迎词应包括以下内容要点: 1. 对来访客人表示热烈欢迎。 2. 介绍Mr Luois Alexander(英国著名语言学家)。 3. 他的著作极其丰富,包括大家熟知的《新概念英语》(New Concept English)跟我学(Follow Me)等。 4. 来渝目的:讲学、进一步了解中国中学生英语学习的情况。 5. 请Mr Alexander 作指导,提建议。 6. 请大家就英语学习方面的问题向他提问。 注意:1.行文连贯、通顺,字数100词左右。 2.行文不必写出发言人的学校及个人姓名。如要写出,须用规定的人名及校名。 3.生词:语言学家linguist;讲学give a lecture 参考译文 Dear schoolmates, First of all, let’s give our warmest welcome to our honourable guest --- Mr. Luois Alexander. Mr. Luois Alexander is a world-famous English linguist. He’s written lots of works, including New Concept English, Follow Me and so on. All these are well known to us all. Mr. Alexander is invited to Chongqing to give lectures, and today he’s going to have a talk with us to get a further understanding of English study in middle schools in China. If you have any questions on English, you are free to ask him for help. Now let’s invited Mr. Alexander to give us a talk and advice on English study. That’s all. Thank you! 相关资料