三、注意区分同义词 由于英语词义范畴非常广泛,即使是近义词或同义词也只是某种程度上的近似,不可能在意义上完全对等。这就需要考生在选择词时斟酌其含义的微妙差别,辩析同义词在具体语境中的不同用法。
如: 原句:So there arises the problem : Will electronic books replace traditional books ?(指“实际存在的问题”或“需要解决的现实问题”,不符合此处语境) 优化:So there arises the question : Will eletronic books replace traditional books ?(指“可获得解释或回答的问题”) 原句:After a good dinner together , all the guests relaxed and became quite careless .(指“温不经心是,粗心的”,不符合语境) 优化:After a good dinner together , all the guests relaxed and became quite familiar .(指“随便的,熟悉的”)