五、含有谚语格言的句子 如果能在作文中恰当地引用1-2句谚语格言,将会增加作文的表现力,展示出作者的语言功底,有助于获得阅卷老师的表眯。但需要注意的是,不要引用过于生僻或自己不大熟悉的谚语格言,否则引用不发,反而会适得其反。另外,谚语格言并不是越多越好,一般来说,一篇作文引用一句就可以了,最多不要超过两句。
如: 原句:Doing part-time jobs has its disadvantages . 优化:Every eoin has two sides . So does doing part-time jobs . 原句:Last but not the least , you need an intense interest in learning English . 优化:Last but not the least , you need an intense interest in learning English since" interest is the best teacher "