1.用词要简洁 能一个词表达清楚的意思,就不要加上多余的成分,另外还要注意不要造句成意义上的重复累赘。 如: 原句:What you have done is illegal under the law . 优化:What you have done is illegal .
2.用词要多样 注意不要一味地重复使用某个词汇,可适当转换成同义词或短语。也不要一味地使用同一种词性,要学会使用不同的词性。 如: 原句:This can definitely make them work more enthusiastically . 优化:This can definitely stimulate their working enthusiasm .
3.多用朴素、易懂的词 对考生来说,生僻或华丽的辞藻驾驭起来比较难,很容易使用不当,很多时候不但不能给文章增色,反而可能会使阅卷老师困惑,起到负面作用。因此,建议考生在写作时尽量选用自己熟悉的词语。 如: 原句:Parents in China always have altereations about their children's education . 优化:Parents in China always have quarrels about their children's education .
4.多用具体的词 如果词的概括性太强,往往让人觉得抽象、笼统,会给人模糊不清的感觉,词义比较具体的词会使表达更加准确、生动。 如: 原句:Some people like to read the newspaper very quickly and try to find some interesting stories . 优化:Some people like to flip through the newspaper and try to find some interesting stories .
5.注意使用限定词 当定作时适当使用限定词来修饰可以使论述更加客观、适度,避免观点的绝对化。 如: In general , young people seem more prone to job-hopping . Nowadays the increasingly severe employment situation is perhaps the biggest challenge facing college students .