星期一 把握组句技艺和用词原则 一篇文章要有合理的组织结构以处,更重要的是要有合理、多变的句式和规范、准确的用词。造词造句能力是体现学生语言功底的基本技能,是考生写出高质量文章的保证。
1.句子应紧凑连贯 句子中各成分之间要衔接紧密、连贯并富有条理。我们可以通过关联词语引出从句或并列句来体现句子的内部关系,也可适当使用分词结构和一些独立的短语或是插入语成分来代替从句。此外,句子这间还要注意指代、时态、语态、人称和数等方面的连贯和一致。 如: 原句:Teenagers are pressured by school work and they are also encouraged by their peers , and under these , they resort to smoking , and sometimes they feel a little guilty . 优化:Pressured by school work and encouraged by their peers , teenagers often resort to smoking , though they feel a little guilty sometimes . (优化后的句子结构紧凑、意思连贯) 原句:The following ways can be adopteded to improve our study efficiency . First , you should make a detailed study plan . 优化:The following wasy can be adpoted to improve our study efficiency . First , we should make a detailed study plan .(改成we后与前面的our在人称上做到一致)
2.句式应有变化 一篇文章要使人觉得内容丰富、语言生动,就应该重视句式的变化,如主动句和被动搭配使用、适当穿插倒装句和强调句等特殊句式。另外,不要一味地使用常见的“主语+谓语”的开头方式,可以适当搭配以分词、副词等开头的句式。 如: 原句:They say that people obtain most of their knowledge through reading extensively . 优化:They say that it is through reading extensively that people obtain most of their knowledge .(优化成强调句) 原句:The competition is becoming increasingly fierce , so it is more difficult to find a job than before . 优化:With the competition becoming increasingly flerce , it is more difficult to find a job than before .(介词短语开头)
3.句子表达要简洁 造句时,要注意避免语言重复。只要意思表达清楚,多余的词语就没有必要了。有时有的考生纯粹为了凑字数,加了一些不必要的成分,导致语义含混不清、罗嗦冗长。 如: 原句:I think Gone with the wind is one of those good films which I enjoyed watching very much . 优化:Gpme wotj tje womd os a film I enjoyed very much . / I ejoyed the film Gone with the wind very much .(将多余的成分去掉后,句子表达更加简洁)
4.长短句要结合 在写作中,一味地采用长句或短句都是不可取的。要将简单句和带有衔接词的复杂句交替使用,这样才能够使文章句式丰富,富有节奏感。
5.少用问句,尽量不用感叹句和祈使句 有些考生喜欢开篇问一连串的问题想以此引起阅卷老师的注意。一般来讲,一篇作文中可以偶尔出现1-2个问句,太多则会适得其反。 感叹句和祈使句多用于口语之中,不太适宜在四级的书面写作中出现。尽管抒发感情和发出呼吁时也可以使用,但多数考生对这两种句式的把握能力不够,因此建议考生尽量不要使用。