2019年3月23日雅思考试题目(网友版) 听力回忆: Section1:有关汽车保险的数字题(application for extension to motor insurance) Section2: 古代排水系统(ancient pumping system) Section3: Section4:中东的地下水灌溉系统 阅读回忆: Passage1:从新手到专家(from a novice to an expert) Passage2:切叶蚁 Passage3:决策decision 写作回忆: 小作文:流程图(水果罐头的制作过程) 大作文:Once children start school, teachers have more influence on their intellectual and social development than parents do. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 亚太区(澳洲、台湾、港澳、新西兰)回忆: 阅读:1.噪声; 2.屏幕的发展对读写的影响; 3.关于自尊的几个研究; 听力:1.活动; 2.一艘叫blue moon的沉船; 3.学术类的那种东西; 4.户外广告; A类小作文:水电站前后的地图变化; 大作文:It is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older people than young people in many countries in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? 相关资料 |