生与死 1) No one can remember what it is like to be born. 没有人能够记得诞生时的样子。 2) He was lucky to have a good home in which to grow up. 他幸运地生长在良好的家庭里。 3) The many children of that family used to play together for hours. 那一家的孩子们常常大伙一起玩上几个小时。 4) Children quarrels are soon forgotten. 孩子们的吵架很快就会被忘记。 5) The little boy left home for his first day at school. 那个小孩第一天离开家去上学。 * “leave...for...”是“向„„出发”的意思的一种便利的表达。 6) All your life you make many friends. 一生能结交许多的朋友。 * 此际的 you 并非“你”,而是泛指人类全体。 e.g. You have to be careful with people you don’t know. 对陌生人要小心。 7) The times of comradeship in sports and play are full of meaning. 这个通过运动或游戏培养友情的时代,是极有意义的。 8) Each person follows his own interests. 人人都追求自己的利益。 9) School should be a time for learning. 学生时代,应该学习许多重要的事情。 ,是指上学时的一定期间。注意,不加冠词。 10) One should travel out of his own country at least once. 我们至少应该离开自己的国度去旅行一次。 11) Many new ideas are discovered during college years. 大部分崭新的观念都产生于大学时代。 12) Graduation is often the last moment of childhood. 毕业往往意味着儿童时期的结束。 13) A good, satisfying job can be the product of years of education. 一个理想而令人满意的工作,是在接受几年的教育之下才能获得的。 14) Is marriage finding someone to share life with? 结婚可是在寻觅共同度过人生的人? 15) Now it is the child’s turn to make a good home for his children. 现在轮到孩子们自己为其儿女建造美好的家庭了。 * someone’s turn 是“轮到„„,„„的回合”的意思。 16) Do you enjoy watching your babies grow into people? 目睹子女长大成人是一件快乐的事情吧? 17) There is a tremendous responsibility involved in raising children. 养育孩子是一桩责任重大的事情。 18) I have so much to do after I retire. 我在退休后有许多事要做。 19) Drugs were the death of him. 毒品断送了他的生命。 相关资料 |