quality control 质量控制 a system for insuring that a standard level of quality is maintained Example: Our quality control division was separate from our manufacturing department so it was more effective at finding and correcting product mistakes before the products were shipped to customers. To bring home the bacon 养家糊口,维持生计 to earn an income to support one‘s household Example: In addition to studying for his MBA, the young husband had to bring home the bacon for his sick wife and two infant children. To build a better mousetrap 造一个更好的捕鼠器 to develop a new and improved product. Example: Some technology companies make the mistake of focusing on building a better mousetrap rather than focusing on the needs of their customers. To come out of left field 出人意表的 BASEBALL TERM to be a complete surprise Example: When a typhoon came out of left field and destroyed the local airport, many tourist businesses on the tropical island failed. To corner the market 囤积居奇 to gain control of a market for one‘s product,orto control available supply of a product Example: The clever, small manufacturing company cornered the market on essential parts for its field and grew prosperous by selling those parts at high prices to the huge companies that were its competitors. 相关资料 |