摘要:考研英语作为一门考研公共课,虽然大家都学了英语十几年,却仍经常有总分过线挂在英语上的情况,因此英语复习不单单是单词、做题。阅读作为考研英语的大头,仅仅做考研真题或许没法满足你的阅读量,因此帮帮之后会不定时推出一篇英文美文,这些文章都与考研英语阅读同源,多读必有好处。 Within many workers’ lifetimes, jobs will be radically altered by automation. And, according to one of the world’s biggest international coalitions, it’s time to develop a plan B. 不少工人将会眼睁睁的看着自己的工作为自动化所取代。而且世界上最大的一个国际联合组织表示,现在是时候开启B计划了。 A recent employment outlook from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a coalition consisting of 36 countries across the world, said that within the next two decades half of all jobs will be substantially transformed by technology. 作为一个包含36个成员国的国际联合组织,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)最近发布了一份就业前景预测报告,报告里表示在接下来的20年里,一半的工作将会因为科技的发展而发生巨变。 In some cases, that will mean workers losing their jobs outright -- the OECD estimates 14 percent of jobs will be completely automated in the next two decades -- while others, 32 percent of jobs, will be vastly different from what they look like now. 在某种情况下这就意味着有些工人会直接面临失业——OECD预测14%的工种在接下来的20年里完全实现自动化——而另外还有32%的工作则会面临转型,跟现在的模式相去甚远。 Whether jobs are transformed or lost completely to the advance of technology, the OECD says one question rises above all others: are we ready? 不管科技的发展带来的是工作的转型还是该工种的彻底消失,OECD表示目前最重要的问题是:我们准备好了吗? “The OECD Employment Outlook does not envisage a jobless future. But it does foresee major challenges for the future of work,”said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría, in a statement. OECD秘书长安吉拉·古里亚在一次发言中谈到:“这份就业前景报告并不是设想了一个不存在任何工作的未来。只是预测了未来工作将会面临重大挑战。” While many jobs will be changed or eliminated, the OECD says that the shift won’t necessarily equate to less overall jobs for workers. With new and improved technology, also comes new and skilled jobs. OECD还表示尽管不少工作会发生变化或消失,但是这种转变不一定就意味着以后工人的工作选择越来越少。随着科技的不断进步和新科技的不断涌现,也会出现一批新的工作岗位。 Automation may even create jobs in the short term, say some analysts. The problem, says the organization, is ensuring that current workers are equipped to transition into those jobs now and in the future. 一些分析人员解释,从短时间来看自动化甚至会创造工作岗位。OECD认为问题在于确保现在的工人能够具备应对未来工作转型的素质和技能。 To ensure that workers eclipsed by robots and other technology can pivot into a new career, the OECD says that a robust adult training program is critical. That may involve not only training older workers but also removing the financial burdens of their endeavors through subsidies. 为了确保那些被机器人和其他科技取而代之的工人能够顺利转型进入新的工作岗位,OECD表示进行强健有效的成人培训项目非常重要。这个项目不仅涉及到对成人员工进行培训,还要减轻他们补贴方面的经济压力。 In some cases, to ease the economic impact of mass automation, forward-thinking policy makers and recently, one U.S. presidential hopeful, has proposed what is known as a Universal Basic Income -- government provided income given to all citizens regardless of circumstance. 为了缓解自动化遍地生花带来的经济压力,最近一位具有远见的美国总统候选人在竞选时提出了“普遍基本收入”——那就是不管什么情况,政府都会保障每位公民基本的补贴收入。 This money, say proponents, would allow workers to undergo additional training for new jobs and ease unrest in the case of substantial job loss. Opponents say the stipend would just disincentivize work all together. The OECD is clear that nothing is set in stone. Even with a rapidly changing economy and the forward march of technology, all we need is a plan. 支持者表示这份基本收入补贴不仅让失业者可以参加新工作所需的能力培训,还能缓解他们在失业状态下的经济压力。而反对者则认为这种政策补贴只会让大家无心工作,不求上进。OECD表示一切都是未知。不管经济发展如何迅速,科技如何进步,我们需要的是一个应对计划。 “With the right policies, we can manage these challenges. We face significant transformation, but we have the opportunity and the determination to use this moment and build a future of work that benefits everyone,”said Gurria. 古里亚说道:“只要有一个正确得当的政策领导,我们就可以成功克服这些挑战。我们确实面临着重要的转型时期,但是我们还有机会,也有这份决心去利用好这个转型期,建设一个造福于所有人的就业未来”。 (全文共456个词,每日邮报) ►帮帮提示:考研英语同源外刊美文赏读汇总